Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Little Piece of Heaven

Today was one of those days when you think to yourself, "Wow! I'm blessed." And it's not that any one big thing happened, but rather a culmination of little things. Things that if I wasn't paying atention would have slipped by unnoticed, as too often they do. It was in a spontaneous lesson on the Holy Ghost and after watching Vincent think over what I had just taught him hearing him ask, "Does the Holy Ghost have feet?" It was in a hectic moment when everyone needed something and I put Eliza in her crib, much to her dismay, to attend to everyone else's needs. Then when I walked back into her room I saw her little face peeking through the bars of her crib with the sweetest smile on her face. Mommy had come back. It was in decorating the Christmas tree together. Watching Vincent's face as we turned on the lights. Telling him the importance behind each ornament. Seeing his little fingers as they helped to decorate the tree. It was in playing a game with him that he made up all by himself, where we all switched places. He was Daddy, Daddy was Vincent, I was Eliza and Eliza was Mommy. We played this game for a solid half an hour too. It was in recalling treasured Christmas memories. In reading "The Polar Express" to Vincent for the first time and at the end hearing him say, "Read it again Mommy!" It was in finding an old love letter Vance wrote me for my twentieth birthday and realizing that I need to do more to help keep that magic alive and yet at the same time enjoying the "old shoe" feeling we have. It's in realizing that Heavenly Father must love me more than I can imagine to give me such a life as this. Thank you Father.


  1. Cute blog! I have links to a lot of the members in the ward, on our blog if you want to check those out. Yeah for starting a blog! You can print this out and turn it into a book so you have a family journal all bound.

  2. Very beautiful. Your words brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad to have you in the blogging loop! Lincoln's going to enjoy seeing his buddy Vincent on the computer when you get some photos up. I just love how much they like to play together. We definitely need to connect more. Here, here!

  3. LOVE IT!! SO excited to be able to catch up with you through blogs! Love you and miss you tons! Also, I remember that time too. glad you were able to find the letter from a few years ago.

  4. Yeah for love letters! And children experiencing new Christmas events for the first time. It sounds like a blissful day of happy moments.
