Friday, December 18, 2009

A Week of Firsts

It all started Monday. Vincent climbed up the ladder to the attic all by himself and then back down again. (I was behind him in case he fell.) He then got on his tricycle and peddled all over the place. He received this tricycle during the summer and has refused to ride it. Monday, he just got it out, sat down, and off he went. I guess he was finally ready.


Eliza finally started scooting Wednesday. Before she could get anywhere she wanted to by doing this rolling/stretching movement. Now she just looks normal.

Yesterday, I passed her off to her Grandma and she put her hands up to her eyes and cried, then she reached out for me! I loved it!! The first signs of the "mommy attatchment" phase. Granted, this phase is only cute for the first week. But it is nice to know that you're loved.


Vincent decorated his first gingerbread house. Well, I think he decorated the inside of his stomach more than the house, but he enjoyed it and that's what is important.


Vincent was very lovey today. At one point he snuggled up and told me, "I'm so glad you're my mommy." Awww! You can't get much sweeter than that. It's those moments that give you strength to get through the tantrums. Ahh the tantrums. Why is it that we can't scream and cry at the top of our lungs when we're angry. I swear that half the time I just want to sit down and do just that. It's amazing how quickly he can go from happy to angry and then back. I just keep thinking "This too shall pass." I generally just try to ignore the tantrum. All he wants is either his way or attention. Ignoring it takes both of those away. Otherwise I just drag his cute little body to where he needs to be while he flails and screams the whole way. Such fun. I get comfort from the fact that I'm not the only one trying to figure out how best to survive this stage in life.


Eliza has been very sick. She has a terrible cold. Her nose is constantly running and her eyes are so goopy. Everytime she wakes up from a nap or bed her eyes are halfway crusted shut. My poor sweet baby. Vincent is just about done with a round of antibiotics. Both of his ears were infected. That was my first time dealing with ear infections. I am not looking forward to that again! Thankfully Vance and I have not gotten sick. I pray it stays that way. I do not have time to be sick! I have a quilt to finish and a proposal to plan! My nephew is in Airborne training and is coming up for one week of leave starting Monday. He wants to propse to his girlfriend on Wednesday. Guess who he asked to plan it! Me!! I love this stuff, but it's going to be tight getting it all put together. Wish me luck. Ahhh! Love is in the air!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Let the Adventures in Candy Land Begin

Vincent played his first game of Candy Land last night with Vance and he won! He had such a good time.
Today Vincent and I were sitting in the doctor's office. Both of his ears are infected and we were there to get antibiotics. Anyway, he had my phone and was taking video clips. He asked me to say something to him. I asked him how his ears were. He thought for a moment and then said, "They're looking stylish!" Haha! Where he got that phrase from I have no idea. He is such a funny kid!
Eliza was so funny today. She may not be crawling but she can get anywhere she wants to go and she is getting into everything! I have a little bin with a bunch of baby toys in it and she had a blast pulling everything out.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finally! Pictures!

This is Vance's 94 year old grandmother. Grandma Jessie. She is one of the best cooks I know. I spent a couple of weeks with her over Thanksgiving learning how to make all kinds of yummy things.

Eliza holding her bottle for the first time. Mmm! I love those baby blues!

"Pick me up!" she says.

Mm-hmm. That face has mischievous written all over it.

He's working very hard!

I Believe in Santa

Yes, it's true. I still believe in Santa. He may not wear a red suit, but he's out there. He's out there every time you visit an ailing friend. He's out there when you donate to a charity. He's out there when you give a gift to a less fortunate family. He's out there when you wish Merry Christmas to someone. He's out there every time you do something for someone that they can't do for themselves. This week my personal Santa was my mother. Vincent's been talking nonstop about a trash truck he wants Santa to bring him. The problem was that we had already bought all of his gifts and couldn't afford anything else. My mother decided that "her" santa would bring it. I will have one happy boy on Christmas morning. A boy who will believe in Santa. Which is good because he's out there. This year it was his Grandma. When my mother told me what she was doing she said, "Daughter, there is a Santa." Well mom, you're right. I believe! I thank God for all the Santas out there and especially you mom!

Christmas Shoes

Vincent enjoying the first snow of the season. We were at Grandma and Grandpa Adams' house and I had forgotten to bring mittens. Yes, those are socks on his hands.

This is Vincent's "First Christmas" ornament. We decided that each child's first ornament would be one of the shoes they wore for their baby blessing.

This is Eliza's.

This is our Christmas tree. It was especially fun to decorate this year because our family ornaments took up almost all the space. We only had to put on a few filler ornaments.

Perfect Potpourri

I have long been searching for a way to keep the house smelling good. I love the reed diffusers, but they don't work very well in a large area. Candles are great but not with little kids around. I read somewhere that a lot of the plugins can be harmful to little boys' development. (I haven't checked lately to see if that's still true or not though) Anyway, I have finally found something that works and I love the smell! My sister-in-law Lisa gave me the idea and then I expanded upon it. You get an old pot that you don't use anymore. A small-medium sauce pot works well. Fill it half way up with water. Add three cinnamon sticks. Cover the top with allspice. Then add a pinch each of ground ginger and rubbed sage. Bring it to a simmer. Ahhh... It smells so good! Very warm and homey, like you've been baking. You can leave it simmering for as long as you want. Remember to add water occasionally. It takes a few days before you'll need to add more spices. The cinnamon sticks will last longer than that. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Little Piece of Heaven

Today was one of those days when you think to yourself, "Wow! I'm blessed." And it's not that any one big thing happened, but rather a culmination of little things. Things that if I wasn't paying atention would have slipped by unnoticed, as too often they do. It was in a spontaneous lesson on the Holy Ghost and after watching Vincent think over what I had just taught him hearing him ask, "Does the Holy Ghost have feet?" It was in a hectic moment when everyone needed something and I put Eliza in her crib, much to her dismay, to attend to everyone else's needs. Then when I walked back into her room I saw her little face peeking through the bars of her crib with the sweetest smile on her face. Mommy had come back. It was in decorating the Christmas tree together. Watching Vincent's face as we turned on the lights. Telling him the importance behind each ornament. Seeing his little fingers as they helped to decorate the tree. It was in playing a game with him that he made up all by himself, where we all switched places. He was Daddy, Daddy was Vincent, I was Eliza and Eliza was Mommy. We played this game for a solid half an hour too. It was in recalling treasured Christmas memories. In reading "The Polar Express" to Vincent for the first time and at the end hearing him say, "Read it again Mommy!" It was in finding an old love letter Vance wrote me for my twentieth birthday and realizing that I need to do more to help keep that magic alive and yet at the same time enjoying the "old shoe" feeling we have. It's in realizing that Heavenly Father must love me more than I can imagine to give me such a life as this. Thank you Father.